abril 16, 2008

Livejournal Communities

PhotobucketWhere every episodes of Buffy/Ats will be twisted into much Spuffyness.
PhotobucketA Community dedicated to the relationship between Buffy and Spike, in all its different forms
PhotobucketCommunity for everything BtVS & AtS related, no matter the pairing.
PhotobucketCommunity dedicated to posting, reading, and discussing Spike fanfiction.
PhotobucketFluffy Spike,For when the lighter side strikes
PhotobucketCommunity for fluffy Angel stories
Photobucketall is fair in love...Passion Rule The Game.Community that is dedicated to the beauty and forbidden love that is Spilliam
PhotobucketA place to read and share Spuffy writings
PhotobucketA Spuffy Archive
Photobucket1630 Revello Dr - Buffy Fanfiction
PhotobucketA Spuffy Fanfic Rec Community
Photobucketbecause even quiet crazies have their dark sides
PhotobucketThe Darker Side of Buffy Summers
Photobucketexplore the darker side of Cordelia Chase
Photobucketthe darker side of Spike
PhotobucketThe Magic Box - BtVS Recs and News
Photobuckethome of all dark fics/manips/videos/etc of the BTVS/ATS fandom.
PhotobucketSpuffy AU Fan fiction and Fan art.
Photobucketmistletoe, leather and holiday wishes..

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