abril 16, 2008

Award sites

PhotobucketAll Human Spuffy Award Site

Livejournal Communities

PhotobucketWhere every episodes of Buffy/Ats will be twisted into much Spuffyness.
PhotobucketA Community dedicated to the relationship between Buffy and Spike, in all its different forms
PhotobucketCommunity for everything BtVS & AtS related, no matter the pairing.
PhotobucketCommunity dedicated to posting, reading, and discussing Spike fanfiction.
PhotobucketFluffy Spike,For when the lighter side strikes
PhotobucketCommunity for fluffy Angel stories
Photobucketall is fair in love...Passion Rule The Game.Community that is dedicated to the beauty and forbidden love that is Spilliam
PhotobucketA place to read and share Spuffy writings
PhotobucketA Spuffy Archive
Photobucket1630 Revello Dr - Buffy Fanfiction
PhotobucketA Spuffy Fanfic Rec Community
Photobucketbecause even quiet crazies have their dark sides
PhotobucketThe Darker Side of Buffy Summers
Photobucketexplore the darker side of Cordelia Chase
Photobucketthe darker side of Spike
PhotobucketThe Magic Box - BtVS Recs and News
Photobuckethome of all dark fics/manips/videos/etc of the BTVS/ATS fandom.
PhotobucketSpuffy AU Fan fiction and Fan art.
Photobucketmistletoe, leather and holiday wishes..
PhotobucketFanfiction by Maryperk.
PhotobucketSpuffy fanfiction by spikeslovebite
PhotobucketFanfiction by Rikki_oko
PhotobucketFanfiction By Ashlee
PhotobucketDarla/Dru fanfiction, resources and vampire girl love.
Photobucketis an archive with a variety of Angel slash pairings
Photobucketis an active spander archive that accepts both canon fic and human AU.
Photobucketis a Angel/Buffy shipper site. The archivist especially favors dark and/or angsty fic
PhotobucketXander-centric site in which Xander is either dominant or submissive to his sexual partner.
Photobucketis the personal site of WesleysGirl. A wide variety of pairings, though obviously they tend to be Wes-centric.

abril 06, 2008

PhotobucketFanfictions writings of evenstar
PhotobucketBtVS/AtS fanfiction written by ShadowAkiyah.
PhotobucketBuffy/Spike oriented
PhotobucketOfficial online archive for the writings of the Babyverse, aka The Pride & Scourge
PhotobucketAnna S's Buffy Season Noir,dark and disturbing and bitterly romantic
PhotobucketDevilpiglet's Spike-fics
PhotobucketMiss Murchison`s Spike/Buffy series
PhotobucketKittyb90's site. She writes great Dawn and Faith stories
PhotobucketBuffyverse fanfiction with an English flavor
PhotobucketFiction by Caro
PhotobucketArianne`s Buffy/Spike fiction
PhotobucketFanfiction by saraslash
PhotobucketRomantic Faith Fiction Archive

abril 05, 2008

PhotobucketFanfiction by Niamh
PhotobucketA Site dedicated to Buffy and Lindsey Fanfiction
PhotobucketThe original Buffy The Vampire Slayer website devoted to every coupling you can possibly imagine.
PhotobucketHellville.com is the original Spike/Faith 'shipper site
PhotobucketFanfiction archive dedicated to the relationship between Cordelia and Angel of Angel
PhotobucketBlood and Honey is a fanfiction archive and writer's resource solely concerned with writing and spreading good Buffy-centric fanfiction
PhotobucketBuffy/Wesley resource and archive site
PhotobucketSpike/Xander love, lust, and mayhem
PhotobucketSpike/Anya Zone
PhotobucketFiction by AngelsLame and a few essays and such
PhotobucketGillian's Award Winning Fic
Photobucket Chelle`s tangled web
PhotobucketFiction by Tracy
Photobucketarchive of BtVS & Angel Fanfiction that takes place on the road
PhotobucketAn exclusive horror fic archive
PhotobucketBuffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel crossover stories
PhotobucketFaith and Lindsey stories
PhotobucketA fanfiction site devoted to Lindsey Macdonald
PhotobucketSite about your favorite amazingly sexy vampire -- Darla.
PhotobucketDarla and her darling boy. Fanfiction, essays, general kickass 'shipping.
PhotobucketThis is the first website dedicated to the love/lust between Darla and Angel
PhotobucketFanged Four fanfiction little content,but has potential
PhotobucketFanged Four fanfiction archive
PhotobucketStories about the Fanged Four in the 19th century
PhotobucketSweet Misery is the world of an ex-Watcher and an ex-ex-EX-vengeance demon
PhotobucketSite dedicated to celebrating Spike and Drusilla in all their blood covered, romantic glory
PhotobucketSpike/Wesley shipper resource
PhotobucketKey, rebellious teenager, watcher junior -- Dawn has many facets
PhotobucketThe first and still largest Wesley/Dawn site on the web
Photobucketcharacter archive and resource, helpful but inactive
PhotobucketGeneral archive
Photobuckethome of the wayward stories of Bridie and Mouse
PhotobucketA Spike/Xander site
PhotobucketFalse memory fic
PhotobucketMr. Gordo archive/resource one of my faves
PhotobucketAndrew Wells archive/resource
PhotobucketThe ultimate Joyce Summers resource
PhotobucketWillow/Fred femslash
PhotobucketThey're hot, they're stylish, and they're sometimes evil
PhotobucketEntirely devoted to slash fanfiction about Cordelia Chase